We can figure out your sugar addiction together
Book a free call with me NOW!

Does it feel impossible for you?

Let me show you how to say NO to sugar without gritting your teeth, using willpower, or feeling like you are missing out.

Watch this free class now!

Schedule a free 30 minute session to explore how having a one on one coach makes this process easier and faster.

In this personalized call, you’ll:

  • Understand what is causing your cravings
  • Discover how it is possible to live sugar free
  • Get a strategic plan to deal with your cravings
  • Experience how coaching can make permanent changes

Sugar Addicts often:

  • Feel hopeless
  • Can’t lose weight
  • Don’t know how to change
  • Hide it from others
  • Feel like they can’t trust themselves
  • Keep starting over again and again
  • Get angry at people who offer them treats
  • Think about food and sugar constantly

Hi, I'm Helena

I am a former sugar addict and I struggled for years.

I finally found something that works.

It’s called “causal coaching” and with it, we dig into why YOU love sugar, why YOU overeat, and why it feels so hard for YOU.

I love helping women with this, because I know how it can change your life. It changed mine.

You will gain so much…

  • Energy
  • Confidence
  • Freedom

Book a 1:1 call with me and I’ll show you the key you have been missing in this struggle. One call with me will help you understand yourself more