Hi, I'm Helena

If you want to get over your sugar addiction for good, you're in the right place.

I have a real solution for the most important part of your dependence on sugar – the emotional part. 

I am the coach to help free you from sugar.

I struggled for years with a sugar addiction. I craved it, I felt powerless when tempted with it, then I’d indulge and feel guilt and shame afterwards.

I desperately wanted to be rid of the obsession. I knew there were other parts of life I wanted to use that energy on. 

I didn’t want to spend all my time thinking about donuts. And I didn’t want to keep repeating the cycle of cravings, giving in, guilt, then determination to start again.

I found a coach to help me, and our work together helped me get over my sugar cravings. I tried, I failed and I learned a solid foundation of skills that I can use for the rest of my life.

Now I eat sweets occasionally, but always with intention. I can be surrounded by it and maintain complete control. I can leave ice cream in the freezer! I no longer feel compelled to “finish it off.” I feel confident again and I put all that energy I used to direct to obsessing about food towards helping other sugar addicts!

This is the missing piece you've never been taught

You’ve tried using willpower…

but it just reinforces the problem.

I can empower you to know why you overeat sugar and how to stop.

It’s totally possible to walk by a bakery and not stop. Even walk by the office candy bowl!

Sugary treats are designed to be irresistible!

They are formulated to addict you.

But you have a amazing brain to combat the onslaught of messages.

You need me to help you utilize your brilliant brain to desire those treats less.

You need a new approach. Personalized especially for you but built on scientific principles that help you manage your cravings.

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • Freedom from the overwhelming urge for sugar
  • Confidence to know you can resist
  • A new focus on other goals

That’s why I coach women like you. To help you gain that freedom and confidence.

You can do this. And I can help you.

It’s time to get over this obsession and start living a healthier life.

All you have to do is set up a free mini coaching session, where we figure out where you are and where you want to go.

You’ll learn what you need to master to not give in to your cravings.

The secret is to believe in the possibility of your freedom enough to get started with a free mini-session.

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