With the Sugar Freedom Shift

You'll conquer your sugar cravings

Does any of this sound like you?

If so, you're in the right place!

You want to FEEL FREE

You’re smart, successful, and you know you are capable of anything.

And you wish you could stop being controlled by this addiction. 

The only problem is...

  • You don’t know what is causing your cravings
  • You don’t have a strategic plan to deal with them
  • You don’t know how to change

You want to not want it so much.

Imagine if...

you didn’t give sugar a second thought.

That's exactly why I created The Sugar Free Shift Coaching Program.

…to help you stop overeating sugar without relying on limited willpower or short term diets. 

“I know I CAN have it whenever I want… if I want… but so far, I just haven’t wanted it.”
Bex B.
Former Sugar Addict

You can't handle the non-stop cravings

You don't desire it anymore

“I would recommend it for anyone who identifies themselves as a sugar addict or candy lover or anyone who thinks they have a sweet tooth.”
Margi C
Sugar enthusiast

When you join the program, you'll...

Here's what you'll do:

Step 1

You’ll discover why you crave sweets. What is your unique relationship to sugar?

Step 2

You’ll learn what you need to do in order to desire sugar less. What changes do you need to make? 

Step 3

You’ll learn how to practice and implement the changes that make you sugar free permanently. 

Here's how I'll support you:

  • 3 month program to give you time to learn, try, fail and implement.
  • 10 1:1 personal coaching sessions to create solutions for your specific situation, with recordings for your reference
  • Weekly short video lessons to teach core concepts
  • Voxer support to send me a message anytime you struggle with an urge

The Sugar Free Shift Program

You'll never look at sugar the same again

The best time to start is now.

Shari P.
Found sugar freedom

Here's how it works:

Sign up for Inbox Candy

I send an amazing email just once a week – and it’s filled with strategies, stories and perspective shifts that will actually help! 

Hop on a free coaching call

Schedule a call to discuss a personalized plan.  I promise that you will gain massive insight into yourself during this short call with me. 

Get started on the path to freedom

Enroll in the Sugar Freedom Shift to start changing how you think and act towards sugar forever. 

Questions People Ask Before Joining

A. This program gets to the root of the problem. Overeating sugar is an activity that stems from the way you think and feel, and so that is what we work on changing. Other strategies don’t address the cause and they just focus on the behavior. It doesn’t work long term, and that is how it is so very different from what you’ve tried before.


I am a certified life coach, hypnotherapist and inner voice facilitator. I have developed this program by working with real sugar addicts and seeing what works. More importantly, I used to truly believe I was a sugar addict, I use these tools often. I’ve totally changed the way I see myself, and I no longer feel powerless around sugar. I deeply understand where you are coming from, I don’t judge, and it is my greatest joy to help others in this situation. 



Coaching can sound like therapy a little bit. You tell your problems to a person and they “fix” you. But coaching is a collaborative process that doesn’t dwell in the past, like some therapy does, and emphasizes that you are not broken. In fact, you are fully capable, and we will find that capability and use it to end your dependence on sugar. It is an empowering process that you can take and apply to many other areas of your life!

A. We meet once a week, either on Zoom for face to face sessions, or over the phone if you think and process better that way, for 45 minutes to an hour. I teach you new skills and we figure out how to apply them in your real life situations. I ask you important questions that lead you to understand yourself more deeply. We celebrate and we make a game plan for challenges. In between sessions, you’ll have a focus to work on, and you’ll be able to leave me voice or text messages on Voxer and you can experience support in real time. I also offer super short video lessons to reinforce ideas.


If you are diving into one of these situations immediately when we start, that will slow down our progress, and it may shake your commitment to the process before we’ve begun to gain momentum. 

However, if you have a disruption planned for the second half of our 3 month engagement, that may be a golden opportunity for you to test out your new skills in the real world. I don’t want you to leave our program bubble and get punched in the gut with real life without support. So bring it on so you can learn and we can face it together!

A. I have not yet had a client who did not learn skills and get massive value from the program, but the results do rest on the effort you put in. If you are unhappy with the program and can demonstrate that you’ve done all the work and it didn’t change your relationship with sugar, I’m happy to issue you a reasonable refund.

Have a question I didn’t answer here? Email me at helena@thesugaraddictcoach.com

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Why I Created this Program

Hi, I’m Helena, and I created The Sugar Freedom Shift because I don’t want anyone to stay helpless and frustrated when faced with all the treats that surround us every day.  

I used to be obsessed with sugar, too. I was outwardly healthy, but thoughts of my favorite sweets consumed me. I felt so ashamed that I couldn’t get a hold of this simple part of my life. It really tore down my self esteem. But when I discovered what really caused my cravings, I was able to rewire my brain to not desire the sugar anymore. 

That’s what I’ll help you do inside my program

You can do this even if...

You've never been able to before

This is a totally NEW and DIFFERENT way of looking at cravings.

You are stuck in SHAME

Let me help you unlock that shame and introduce you to compassion.

It doesn't seem possible for you

It didn’t seem possible for me, either. But it really IS, and that’s what I want to show you.

At this point I've given you all the information I have to help you decide if The Sugar Freedom Shift is the right next step for you. 

A call with me is a chance for you to see if I can help you.

If you’re still on the fence, just send me an email at helena@thesugaraddictcoach.com and let me know what’s holding you back and I’ll let you know if I think you’re a good fit or not. It’s true that The Sugar Freedom Shift isn’t right for everyone.

I can’t wait to help you get to sugar freedom!